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Factors influencing contraceptives use among grandmultipara in Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Objective: To determine modifiable factors that influence contraceptive usage among grandmutiparas in a South-Western Nigerian setting.
Methodology: A prospective survey was done among antenatal attendees in OAUTHC from January toDecember 2006. Using interviewer administered semi-structured questionnaire data were collected from all grandmultiparous attendees on sociodemographic characteristics, contraceptive awareness and usage, contraceptive intentions and the role of men on contraceptives usage. Data were analysed with SPSS 11.0 and result presented in descriptive statistics.
Results: The prevalence of grandmultiparity was 9.04% in the studied population, and their mean age was 36.73 + 4.7years: Eighty-one percent attended secondary school, and 65% were monogamous. Despite high level of awareness (51.6-100%) contraceptive usage was low (5.9 to 40.8%). About 90% agreed that family planning improve quality of family life. While 80% had no intention for further childbearing only 36% intended to use BTL. Sex preference was the only motivation for further childbearing in all (100%) of them.
Conclusion: High literacy rate in this group did not impart positively in reducing the unmet need. Increased awareness on permanent contraception and the role of men need to be promoted. Health education that will break the negative strongholds of cultural factors has to be introduced gradually at the primary school levels.
Keywords: Contraceptive usage, Grandmultiparity, Cultural factors.