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A Review of Gynaecological Hysterectomies at the Ebonyi State University Teaching Hospital (EBSUTH), Abakaliki: Indications and Outcome
Objective: To determine the rate, indications and outcome of gynaecological hysterectomy at EBSUTH Abakaliki.
Method: Descriptive analysis of retrospective records of all cases of gynaecological hysterectomy over a five year period (January 1, 2005-December 31, 2009).
Results: The hysterectomy rate was 10.6% of gynaecological operations. The mean age of patients was th th 47.0±12.00 years (2S.D). Hysterectomies were commonest in the 4 and 5 decades of life (58.0%) with th highest occurrence in the 5 decade (32.1%). Grandmultipara accounted for 63% of all cases. The major indications for hysterectomy were uterovaginal prolapse (45.7%), uterine fibroids (21.0%) and cervical
carcinoma (12.3%). Total abdominal hysterectomy(TAH), was the commonest type of hysterectomy (54.3%) while vaginal hysterectomy accounted for 45.7%. Uterine fibroid was the commonest indication
for TAH (38.6%). Vaginal hysterectomy was employed exclusively uterovaginal prolapse. Wound infection was the commonest complication (41.2%). Majority of the patients were hospitalized for more than 10 days (92.6%).
Conclusion: The commonest indication for hysterectomy in this study differs from other reports. Hysterectomy is safe in our centre. There is the need to allow senior residents actively participate in hysterectomy to enable them acquire enough skill.
Keywords: Hysterectomy, Indications, Benign, Management, Outcome