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Maternal Serum Triglycerides at Midpregnancy and Term Neonate Weight in Non-Diabetic Women with Normal Body Mass Index
Objective: To determine whether elevated midpregnancy (24 -28 Gestational weeks) maternal serum lipid levels predict the riskmacrosomia in non-diabetic women.
Study Design: 190Nondiabetic pregnant women (who had negative diabetic screens) in Shahid Sedughi Hospital Of Shahid Sedughi universitywere enrolled.
Methods: Fasting serum triglyceride, and total cholesterol levels were measured at 24-28 weeks gestation. We tested the association between maternal variables and birth weight by univariable analysis. We also used multiple logistic regression analysis to determine whether maternal
hyperlipidemia,is arisk factor for having an LGA infant.
Results: We enrolled 190 subjects. Among measured maternal lipids, only triglyceride levels correlated 2 with birth weight in univariable analysis (r = 0.40, P = .000). Logistic regression analysis showed that fasting maternal hypertriglyceridemia was the significant predictor of macrosomia, independent of maternal weight gain and fasting plasma glucose levels. (odds ratio 11.2; 95% confidence interval 1.5, 31.2; P= .01).
Conclusion: In nondiabetic women, fasting triglyceride levels at midpregnancy correlatedpositively with newborn weight at term.