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Cervical Cancer Screening in Uyo, South-South Nigeria
Objective: To review the cervical cancer screening exercise of the Medical Women Association of Nigeria and determine the incidence of pre-malignant lesions of the cervix during the study period (1996-2001).
Study Design: A descriptive study of women who participated in the exercise and the results of the pap smear.
Results: During the exercise 332 women were screened, but only 276 smears (83.1%) were adequately taken and consequently reported. Majority of the smear (75.7%) were normal smears, Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) was found in 33 smears (12%) and invasive cancer in 1 smear (0.36%). Majority of women with CIN were multiparous and in their 4th and 5th decades of life.
Conclusion: The prevalence of CIN is high, thus there is need for routine cervical cancer screening of all sexually active women. Where this is not feasible due to cost and logistics, selective screening of high risk women and use of visual inspection with acetic acid is recommended.