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Intra‑abdominal gossypiboma with feacal fistula, laparotomy, removal and drainage
Retained surgical sponge (gossypiboma) is a rare complication of abdominal surgery, however, it is the most common surgical item that is found to be retained. Whenever a gossypiboma occurs in the abdominal cavity following abdominal surgery, it is associated with severe morbidity and mortality, as well as medicolegal consequences. Risk factors for this problem include both patient care processes and working environment issues. The discovery may take months or years after the surgery was performed, and the complications at presentation also vary. This case followed an emergency caesarean section with the delivery of a live male infant, and the diagnosis was made 1 year after surgery. She presented with a 1‑year history of intermittent abdominal pain, which became excruciating with accompanying discharge of pus from the abdomen shortly before presentation. She had exploratory laparotomy and developed a faecal fistula on the fourth day following the extraction of the retained abdominal pack, which was conservatively managed. She was discharged on the 19th postoperative day to the outpatient clinic for further care.
Keywords: Abdominal sponge; feacal fistula; gossypiboma; intra‑abdominal