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Obstetric outcome in grandmultipara in Bida, North Central Nigeria
Methods: A total of 160 booked grandmultiparous patients who attended at least 6 sessions of antenatal clinic were compared with 160 unbooked grandmultiparous patients. Variables such as diagnosis made on admission, mode of delivery and complications, use of blood products, number of days spent in the hospital, maternal and perinatal deaths were compared for the two groups.
Results: Over 80% of the unbooked patients came from home. Diagnosis of active phase (normal) labour was made on admission in 81% of the booked and 43% of the unbooked patients. All other complications of labour noted on admission were at least twice as more in unbooked than booked patients. Operative deliveries occurred at least three (3) times, and other complications of delivery at least one and half times more in unbooked patients. The unbooked patients used more blood, spent more days (increased morbidity) in the hospital and had more maternal and three (3) times more perinatal deaths.
Conclusion: Delivery at home is very common in this community. The untrained attendants who take these deliveries at home do not appreciate and recognize obstetric problems when they arise and they refer the patients at very late stages.
Keywords: grandmultipara, childbirth, outcome, traditional birth attendants
Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol. 23(1) 2006: 27-29