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Malaria chemoprophylaxis during pregnancy: a survey of current practice amongst Nigerian obstetricians
Objective: To determine the current practice of malaria prophylaxis amongst Nigerian obstetricians.
Methods: A questionnaire survey of Nigerian obstetricians who attended the annual conference of the Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Nigeria (SOGON), in Enugu in November 2001.
Results: Ninety-one (60.7%) of the 150 people to whom the questionnaire was administered responded. Seventy-nine (86.8%) of the 91 respondents offered malaria chemoprophylaxis routinely to all their pregnant patients while the remaining 12 (13.2%) did not. The drugs the respondents administered for malaria chemoprophylaxis included chloroquine, pyrimethamine, proguanil, and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine either singly or in various combinations. The majority of the respondents (31/79 = 39.2%) administered pyrimethamine alone while only 8 (10.1%) respondents administered the sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine currently recommended by the WHO.
Conclusion: The practice of malaria chemoprophylaxis amongst Nigerian obstetricians lags behind current knowledge.
Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol. 23(1) 2006: 17-19