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Outcome in clients with positive pregnancy test following IVF/ICSI treatment
Materials and Methods: A total of 1256 treatment cycles were carried out using the long day 1 (early follicular phase)
or day 21 (mid-luteal phase) protocol using gonadotrophins Menogon, Pergonal or Metrodin 150 300 IU for 12 to 15 days after pituitary down regulation with the GnRH analogue Buserelin.
Results: A total of 258 (20.5%) biochemical pregnancies were recorded. Sixty-seven (26%) resulted in early pregnancy loss (EPL) of which 10 (3.4%) were ectopic pregnancies. Clinical pregnancy occurred in the remaining 191 (74%) patients, with 20 (10.5%) resulting in miscarriages. A total of 160 bab1es (singletons/multiples) had been
born by the end of the year 2002 with 40 ongoing pregnancies as at then.
Conclusion: Rate of early pregnancy loss in IVF/ICSI is not higher than in natural cycles and once clinical pregnancy is diagnosed, there is approximately a 90% chance of the pregnancy resulting in live birth, barring obstetric complications.
KeyWords: in-vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), outcome
Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol. 22(1) 2005: 9-11