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The role of a parenteral multivitamin preparation (Eldervit-12® in the prevention of anaemia in pregnancy
Objective: To determine if the administration of a parenteral multivitamin preparation (Eldervit 12 R) in pregnancy is effective in reducing the prevalence of anaemia in pregnancy.
Materials and Methods: A prospective, randomized controlled trial using patients pooled into study and control groups receiving Eldervit-12 injections and oral multivitamin preparations respectively. One hundred patients were recruited into each group. Baseline Haemoglobin concentration and reticulocyte count were done at the time of recruitment and repeated at 36 weeks gestation.
Results: The changes from baseline to final value in the Haemoglobin concentration (9.7-11.7g/dl) and reticulocyte count (2.1-3 %) were higher in the study than in the control group (9.8-10g/dl and 2.2-3 % respectively). The final Haemoglobin concentration and reticulocyte count of the study group (11.7 g/dl and 5.3 % respectively) were significantly higher than in the control group (10.0 g/dl and 3.0 % respectively). In the study group 9.7% of patients were anaemic (WHO Definition) while in the control group 75% remained anaemic at 36 weeks gestation. Overall the drug was well tolerated.
Conclusion: This study suggests that the use of Eldervit-12 in pregnancy can significantly reduce the prevalence of anaemia in the later stages of pregnancy.
Keywords: anaemia, pregnancy, Eldervit-12 injection, haemoglobin, reticulocytes
Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol. 22(2) 2005: 159-163