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Association between absence of vaginal lactobacilli PCR products and nugent scores interpreted as bacterial vaginosis
Objective: The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between vaginal Lactobacilli using PCR with group specific lactobacillus primers and Nugent Score criteria for bacterial vaginosis.
Study Design, Setting, Subjects, and Methods: We evaluated 241 vaginal samples from apparently healthy premenopausal women in Benin City for the presence of Lactobacilli with group specific primers in a polymerase chain reaction master cycler and bacterial vaginosis using the Nugent score criteria.
Results: Of the 241 vaginal samples that were Gram stained for Nugent rating, 84 (34.8%) had Normal rating (0-3), 123 (51%) had Intermediate score (4-6), while 34 (14.2%) had Bacterial vaginosis, with Nugent score (7-10). There was a positive association between absence of Lactobacilli PCR product and Nugent scores interpreted as BV (85.8% vs. 14.2%. x2 = 4.12, P=0.05).
Conclusion: The study has demonstrated a strong relationship between bacterial vaginosis and absence or depletion of vaginal lactobacilli using molecular techniques.
Keywords: lactobacilli, bacterial vaginosis, nugent score, polymerase chain reaction
Tropical Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol. 22(2) 2005: 103-107