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Potential Impact of the Mass Media on Family Planning in an Urban Community in South Western Nigeria
Objectives: The research therefore is designed to assess the role of mass media, radio and television in family planning messages.
Study Design, Setting and Subjects: The study involved 503 females and males of child bearing age at Ife Central District, South Western of Nigeria. Information on respondents socio-economic characteristics family planning practices, their knowledge and attitude, source of information and use of family planning methods including habits and media preference of the respondent were also collected.
Results: Radio was found to be the most common source of information. Fifty-three percent reported that they got family planning messages through the radio as against 10.1% through the television in spite of the fact that 68.5% of the respondents had television and 89.1% had radio. Seventy-two percent of the respondents had never visited family planning clinic. The most favourite programme on T.V. was drama while that of the radio was the news.
Conclusion: The need to intensify and integrate family planning message into television drama and radio news was identified as this could play a significant role in family planning.
Key Words: Family Planning Messages, Radio, Television, Mass Media.
[ Trop J Obstet Gynaecol, 2004;21:88-90]