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Induction of Labour at Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto
Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the incidence, indications and outcome of induction of labour in our obstetric unit.
Study Design and Setting: Descriptive study involving 205 patients admitted for induction of labour between January 1995 and December 2000.
Results: There were 6,931 deliveries within the period and 205 cases of induction of labour, giving an incidence of 3%. Hypertensive disease in pregnancy, prolonged pregnancy, and intra-uterine fetal deaths accounted for over 85% of cases of induction of labour in the unit. Induction of labour with successful vaginal delivery was achieved in 168 patients (82%). While 70 out of the 72 patients (97%) that had spontaneous uterine contractions following cervical ripening with Foley's catheter had successful vaginal delivery, only 96 of 133 patients (72%) that had uterine contractions initiated with Syntocinon drip after cervical ripening had vaginal delivery. Induction of labour was also more likely to be successful in cases of intra-uterine fetal death (95%). There was no maternal mortality in the series.
Conclusion: Induction of labour accounted for only 3% of our deliveries. Hypertensive disease in pregnancy and post term pregnancy were the most common indications. Chances of vaginal delivery were higher in the group that had spontaneous uterine contractions following cervical ripening than those that had uterine contractions initiated with Syntocinon. Vaginal delivery was also more likely when the indication for induction of labour was intra-uterine fetal demise.
Key Words: Labour Induction, Cervix Ripening, Delivery Outcome.
[Trop J Obstet Gynaecol, 2002, 19: 74-77]