Please read these instructions carefully and follow them closely to ensure that the review and

publication of your manuscript is as quickly as possible.
Tropical Journal of Nephrology is a peer-reviewed official Journal of the Nigerian Association of Nephrology.
The Journal aims at promoting nephrology education, clinical practice and research through publication of
original research works, innovative clinical experience and authoritative review articles on topical issues.

The following types of papers are considered for publication:
1. Original research articles
2. Case reports/ case series
3. Review articles
4. Conference proceedings
5. Short communications and letters to the editor
Authors should observe high standards with respect to publication ethics as set out by the Commission on
Publication Ethics (COPE) and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Anyone who made major contributions to the research design, its conduct, analysis and interpretation of
results and writing of the manuscript should be listed as an author. All authors should have been involved in the writing of the manuscript at draft and revision stages, and also must have read and approved the final version. Other individuals who made less substantive contributions should be listed in the acknowledgement section.

By submitting your manuscript to the Journal it is understood, that this it is an original manuscript: an unpublished work that is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Manuscript Instructions
Formatting instructions
All manuscripts must be prepared using Microsoft Word processing software. Font type should be Times
New Roman, with font size of 12 points. Organization should be on A4 (21.0cm x 29.7cm) format.

Categories of Contributions

Original Articles
Must report clinically relevant research work within the Journal’s scope of interests.
• Word limit: 5000 words (excluding the abstract and references)
• Abstract: structured using the headings Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Maximum of
250 words.
• References: 40 or less
• Tables/figures/images: 5 or less; data in tables and figures should not be repeated extensively in the text


Review Articles
Review topics should be related to clinical aspects of nephrology and should reflect current trends and
• Word limit: 5000 words (excluding the abstract and references)
• References: 40 or less
• Abstract: Up to 250 words, unstructured format
• Tables/figures/images: 5 or less; data in tables and figures should not be repeated extensively in the text

Case Reports and Short Communications
Must convey a focused message.
• Word limit: 1500 words (excluding the abstract and references)
• References: 15 or less
• Abstract: Up to 100 words, unstructured format
• Tables/figures/images: 2 or less

Letters to the Editor
Must express viewpoints on areas of interest or controversy in the field.
• Word limit: 250 words (excluding references)
• References: 5 or less
• Tables/figures/images: 1

Manuscript Arrangement
Articles should be submitted electronically as Microsoft Word documents. All articles MUST include the
following parts:

Author Name(s) [corresponding author should be indicated if there are more than one author]

Contact information: e-mail, mailing address, and telephone for corresponding author; e-mail addresses for all other authors.

Abstract: up to 250 words.

Keywords: 4–7 words

Main Text: Should include the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussions, Acknowledgement, References, Tables and Figures with appropriate legends.

References: References in the main text should be cited in superscript without brackets. The List of references in the order of appearance in the text and indicated in Arabic numbers.
Authors’ names should be followed by the initials, then the title of the paper, international abbreviations of the Journal, year of publication, volume, number, the first to the last page must be indicated. Where authors are more than three, et al could be used for others.
Arije A, Kadiri S, Akinkugbe O.O. The viability of haemodialysis as a treatment option for renal
failure in a developing economy. Afr. J. Med med. Sci., 2000; 29 : 311 – 314

Kleinknecht, D. Epidemiology of acute renal failure in France today. In: Acute renal failure in the
intensive therapy unit (eds Bihali, D,Neild, G) 1990;pp13-22. Springer – Verlag. New-York.

Accuracy of references is the responsibility of the authors.

Tables, Figures, etc: Tables, figures, and photos/images should be placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. Acceptable formats include Word (for tables or figures made in Word); Excel (for figures); and .jpeg for images or photos. Tables, figures, and images should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals.

Unit of Measurement
SI (System International) unit is recommended.
Authors are encouraged to follow the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical
Journals in the preparation of their manuscripts.
The electronic file should not contain embedded codes and no special fonts or formatting.

Submission of Manuscripts
All material to be considered for publication in TJN should be submitted in electronic form via the journal’s website

Condition for Publication
Manuscript submitted for publication to Tropical Journal of Nephrology must not have been submitted for
consideration or published in any other Journal. Upon acceptance of the submitted article, the author
automatically transfers the copyright of the article to the publisher. It is advisable that the manuscript should conform to the instruction contained therein. This would facilitate the processing of the articles.

Handling Charges
A handling charge of $50 or N5,000.00 must accompany each manuscript payable to Tropical Journal of
Nephrology to defray the cost of handling.

Offprint / Reprint
Orders for reprint should be addressed to the Editor, TJN via the Journals E-mail address : Every order would attract a fee.

Business Communication
Business communication should be sent to the Business Manager.

Advertisements are subject to editorial approval and advertising rates are available on enquiry from the
business office.

The Nigerian Association of Nephrology owns the Tropical Journal of Nephrology. All right reserved. No
part of this may be reproduced or translated fully or part without prior permission from the Association,
which holds the copyright on all articles published in the Tropical Journal of Nephrology.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2651-5970
print ISSN: 2006-490X
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