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Radiological evalution of civilian gunshot injuries in Nauth, Nnewi
affected individual. It is also aimed to bring to the fore the fact that even our easily available plain radiographic studies will localize the pellets, identify some important damages caused by the pellets and help us in planning for management even in the absence of other complex radiological investigative modalities like computed Tomographic scanners, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Angiographic studies and interventional techniques /procedures. All gunshot injuries investigated in the Department of Radiology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi (NAUTH) between December 1998 – April 2000 were qualified for this work. The films were reviewed as to location of the pellets to enable the surgeon plan for possible extraction. Twenty-five (25) such patients were reviewed in this study. This showed a male/female ratio of 8.1. The age range of subjects was between 18 – 65 years with a mean age of 35years. The model age involved was 20 – 30 years. The commonest site involved as shown by this study was the lower limb ( from pelvic 5 to the foot). The main source of referral was the Accident & Emergency Unit.