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Malaria infection among semi-immune pregnant women living in an area of unstable and seasonal malaria transmission
Objective: Our study aimed to demonstrate the prevalence and risk factors for malaria (age, parity and gestational age) among pregnant woman living in eastern Sudan, which is characterized by unstable malaria transmission.
Methods: The prevalence and possible risk factors for plasmodium malaria were investigated in 744 pregnant Sudanese, women attending antenatal clinic of New Haifa Teaching Hospital, eastern Sudan, during October 2003- April 2004. A total of 102 (13.7%) had P. falciparum malaria, 18 (17. 6%) of these were severe cases (jaundice and severe anemia).
Result: Univariate and multivariate analysis showed that, age and parity were not associated with malaria. Women who attended the antenatal clinic in the third trimester were at highest risk for malaria (OR= 1.58, 95% CI= 1.02-2.4; P<0.05). Women with malaria had significantly lower mean hemoglobin (9.4g/ dI, 95% CI 19.1-9.7 versus 8.3, 95% CI 7. 6-9.1, p=<0.05).
Conclusion: Our data suggest that P. falciparum malaria is common in pregnant women attending antenatal care and that anaemia is an important complication. Preventive measures (chemoprophylaxis and insecticide – treated bed nets) may be beneficial in the area for all women irrespective of age or parity.
Keywords: malaria, pregnant woman, unstable transmission area
Tropical Journal of Medical Research Vol. 9(2) 2005: 1-3