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Sexual behaviour and knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases among female adolescents in Ilorin Kwara State
Results: The age ranged between 11 and 20years. Sexual activity is significantly associated with respondent's family type (polygamy and socio –economic status).
Seven hundred and forty four (90.1%) had ever discussed sexual topic. About three –fifth 440(59.1%) had the first discussion with friends /peer. Five hundred and twenty six (63%) knew one or two symptoms of STD. Two hundred and eighty eight (34.9%) knew the condom use could prevent STD.
Three hundred and eighty six (46.7) had experienced sexual intercourse. The youngest age at first sexual intercourse was 11 years with a mean age of 15.9years. In 140 (32.2%) of those that had sexual experience, the sexual partner was older and in 81(21%) there was some element of force/coercion. Motive for the first sexual intercourse included curiosity 149(38.6%), financial reward/inducement 97(25.1%) and urging of friends 85(22%).
Conclusions: It is recommended that sex education should start at primary school level to educate female teenagers on the dangers of early initiation of sexual activity; and ways of protecting themselves against the sexual advances of the male gender.
Key Words: Female adolescents, Sexual behavior, knowledge, Sexually transmitted disease; llorin.
Tropical Journal of Medical Research Vol.8(1) 2004: 10-16