Author fees

This journal charges no fees to authors. It is Diamond Open Access.

Publisher Information

IAA Press.

Peer review

The Journal of Informatics’ peer review process uses the double-blind system. Author (s) submit their manuscripts online without including their identity or anything that would identify them. The Editor In-Chief makes an initial review of the paper to know whether it complies with Journal guidelines. If it do not comply, the Editor In-Chief sends feedback to author(s) for improvement. If the manuscript complies, the Editor In-Chief appoints two reviewers to review and offer their recommendations on the position of the paper. In a case where opinions issued by reviewers differ, the Editor in-Chief appoints the third reviewer, to decide the position of the review process. All reviewers submit their reviews online, where the Editor in-Chief forward them to author(s), with the right recommendations. Authors work on review comments and resubmit. If the Editor In-Chief is satisfied, he forwards the manuscript to the language editor. After completion, the manuscript is submitted to the Editorial Board for publication approval.

Publication Scheduling

This journal publishes one volume of one issue per year.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2953-254X
print ISSN: 2714-1993