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An Appraisal Of Undesecended Testis In A Developing Country
underwent surgery for undescended testis at University of Ilorin teaching Hospital from January 1998 to December 2007 were retrospectively reviewed for demographic information; level of descent; age at
surgery; intra operative findings; type of procedure; associated anomalies and postoperative complications. Forty six children had forty-nine undescended testes. Median age at surgery was 44 months, range, 1 month to 15years. A total of 47 orchidopexies and 2 orchidectomies were done. Right testis was involved in 24 (52.2%), left 19 (41.3%) and bilateral 3 (6.5%). Eleven (23.9%) patients had surgery before 2years, 25
(54.3%) before 5years and 21 (45.7%) had surgery at 5 years and above. Thirty-four (69.4%) testes were palpable. Of thirty- seven patients with records of level of descent, seventeen (45.9%) testes were in external
ring and 16 (43.2%) inguinal canal. Twenty two (44.9%) testes were macroscopically atrophic , 19(86.4%) of the 22 were in patients older than 2 years(P=0.035). Post operatively, the testes retracted in two patients and there were scrotal hematoma in two that resolved with non operative management. This study showed that there is delayed presentation and
therefore surgery in this setting. There is a need for public enlightment and screening programme in this sub region, directed at early detection and referral.