A three year review of the surgical findings at Laparotomy for uterine fibroids at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital was carried out from 1st January 2001 to 31st December 2003. Surgical Operation for uterine fibroid represents 21.6% of all major gynaecological operations carried out during the period under review. Fifty percent of the patients were aged 30 – 39 years. The finding of 172 (56.2%) of patients in the low parity group is suggestive that uterine fibroid plays a role in the process of spontaneous conception. A palpable abdominal swelling represents the commonest symptom of uterine fibroid in this study and as was present in sixty nine point nine. Other factors found to be associated with uterine fibroid are the numbers, size, location and associated pelvic inflammatory disease, which are common in low resource countries. 218 (71.2%) of patients with uterine fibroids had associated pathology of either adnexae or surrounding viscera. This finding put additional responsibility on the clinician for thorough counselling during the clinic attendance because these will contribute to possibility of infertility in such patients. In those patients who desire further child bearing discussion must include the possibility of assisted reproductive procedures to complement the result of restorative surgery.
Keywords: surgical findings, laparatomy, uterine, fibroid
The Tropical Journal of Health Sciences Vol. 13(2) 2006: 27-30