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Hypocalcemia after commencing cetuximab in a patient with oesophageal cancer at Baze University Hospital, Abuja.

Z.A. Mustapha
A.B. Okesina
U.A. Gwaram
S. Sheriff


Currently, there is increasing use of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) monoclonal antibodies in the management of cases with advanced cancers. These medications are found to be associated with complications, including dyselectrolytaemia. Cetuximab, an EGFR monoclonal antibody is known to cause electrolyte abnormalities, including hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia, and hypocalcemia. We report a female patient admitted to our Hospital with advanced oesophageal cancer who developed symptomatic hypocalcemia after commencing cetuximab. Hypocalcaemia was confirmed by measurement of serum total calcium level. Monitoring of electrolyte levels before and after commencement of cetuximab is therefore recommended for early identification of any derangement.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1117-4153