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The effect of pre-treatment and storage conditions on the germination potential of Albizia lebbeck (l.) Benth. and A. odoratissima (l.f.) Benth. seeds
pre-treatment and storage conditions on
the germination potential of Albizia
lebbeck (l.) Benth. and A. odoratissima
(l.f.) Benth. seeds. Mature fruits were
harvested and after extraction, the seeds
were divided into two batches, with one
batch dried to a moisture content of 2%
while the other batch was left as fresh
seeds. Each batch was subjected to three
storage conditions- kilner jar (KJ,
25+2ºC), paper packet (PP, 25+2ºC) and
refrigeration (4+2ºC) and stored for 30, 60
and 90 days. The experiment was a
2x3x2x3 factorial in complete randomized
design. Germination rate and cumulative
germination percentages (CGP) were
recorded and subjected to descriptive
statistics and analysis of variance
(ANOVA) at p<0.05. Storage period and
storage containers had significant effects
(p<0.05) on daily seed germination but not
moisture content. Storage period and
storage media had significant effect on
CGP of A. lebbeck and A. odoratissima at
p<0.05. The highest CGP was 54% and
was significantly lower in A. lebbeck seeds
stored for 30 days than 68% in seeds
stored for 60 days and 64% in those stored
for 90 days. A. odoratissima seeds stored
for 90 and 60 days had significantly higher
CGP of 91% and 90% respectively, than
seeds stored for 30 days with CGP of 74%.
A. lebbeck seeds in PP had significantly
higher CGP (68%), than refrigeration
(57%) and KJ (60%). Refrigerated A.
odoratissima seeds had significantly
higher CGP (96%) than KJ and PP, both
with 80%. A. lebbeck seeds cannot be
stored at room temperature for over two
months and retain viability. Refrigerated
A. odoratissima seeds had high
germination percentage after three months.