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Nutrient content of dried leaves of Zanthoxylum chalybeum Engl. growing in semi-arid areas of Iringa region, Tanzania

C Balama
A A Makatta
S M Maduka
C Tewele


Dried leaves of Zanthoxylum chalybeum Engl. have been used as a vegetable in powder form by local communities in semiarid areas of Iringa Region for decades. However, there is limited knowledge on its nutritional content. This study was carried out to assess nutrient content of dried leaves of Z. chalybeum growing in semi-arid areas of Iringa, Tanzania. Specifically, using fresh (control), locally and solar dried leaves of Z. chalybeum, the study determined laboratory proximate composition (moisture content, ash, crude fibre, crude protein, crude fat and carbohydrate), vitamin A and C and mineral *contents (Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Potassium and Sodium). Analysis of variance was used to compare mean values of nutrient contents of fresh, locally and solar dryer dried Z. chalybeum leaves. Results indicated that both locally and solar dryer dried leaves contained sufficient concentration of nutrients that were within the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) except for Vitamins A and C. Attainment of the RDA for Vitamins A and C could be achieved through intake of green vegetables in the diet. Concentration of nutrients in both locally and solar dried leaves increased after drying except for Vitamin C. The study recommends local communities to dry well Z. chalybeum leaves locally or using solar dryer equipment before grinding in order to increase nutrient concentration

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2408-8137
print ISSN: 2408-8129