The most suiting types of shade under which domesticated wild Vegetables could be grown to sustain their nutritive values were determined. Seeds from S. scabrum, L. cornuta, B pilosa and B. alba, the most preferred wild Vegetables in Lushoto district, Tanga region in Tanzania were collected, managed and then sown in nurseries covered by different types of shades (i.e. under banana plantations, under improvised shade, in open field, under tree covers). Wild Vegetables in their natural environment were used as a control of the experiment. Leaves from domesticated and wild Vegetables were harvested and protein, vitamin A (ß-carotene) and C content determined. It was observed that domestication and shade types under which of wild Vegetables were grown had effects on their nutritive values (the protein, vitamin A and C contents). Nevertheless, banana shades closely upheld vitamin C contents of L.curnuta and B. pilosa. Also, it did well to maintain protein contents in L. curnuta and S.scabrum as well as Vitamin A contents in B.alba. On the other hand, tree shades were good in sustaining Vitamin A and protein contents in S.scabrum and B.alba, respectively. Growing S. scabrum, L. curnuta and B. pilosa in the open helped to closely retain Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Vitamin A, respectively. Improvised shades were of little help in sustaining nutrient contents in all vegetables.