Author Guidelines
The Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation publishes twice a year. Number 1 and Number 2 of each For each Volume are published in January and July respecively. Manuscripts are receiived continously throughout the year, however, Authors are advised to submit at their conviniency since papers received 2 months before publication willbe slotted into the following volume to allow for review process. The Journal also publishes special issues when need arise.
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the Editor in Chief using the following email addresses: or
Closely follow the folloing format:
Title page
The title page should contain the title of the paper, a condensed running head of less than 50 letters or spaces, names -starting with surname, institutional affiliation and mailing address of author/s and the e-mail address of the corresponding author. The title should be as brief as clarity permits, centred and in uppercase.
This should be a summary of the background, main discussions, conclusion and recommendations. The maximum allowed is 200 words. The abstract should be followed by not more than 10 key words that are carefully selected. The key words should be separated by hyphens.
Main text
Structure the paper into logical sections which, in the case of a research paper, should include the Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusions.
Justification and font
All text should be fully justified. Use Roman font 12 for the text as well as the main text.
Title and subtitles
All titles are to be left justified, capitalized and bold. Sub-titles should be left justified, bold and not capitalized.
Do not indent for paragraphs. Paragraph spacing: before: 0 points; after 6 points
Spelling check
Use the United Kingdom English dictionary.
Use size A4, Maintain a one-inch margin on all sides of the paper and a double space throughout the text. Page number should be centred at the bottom of the page.
While preparing tables keep in mind the size of the printed page. All tables should be inserted at an appropriate place within the text, numbered and referred to in the text in a consecutive order. All titles should be placed on the top of the table, immediately following the number. Capitalise only the first letter of the title.
Illustrations (e.g., figures, diagrams, charts)
All illustrations should be inserted at an appropriate place within the text, numbered and referred to in the text in a consecutive order. Titles should be placed below the illustrations, immediately after the number. Photographs should be of good quality (at least 600psi). Capitalise only the first letter of the title.
Reference in the text should be “… (Njana et al. 2016, Selvam ed 2007)” at the end of the statement or “Rafael and others (2020) also found that …” at the beginning. All authors referred to in the text should appear in the list of references in alphabetical order. Distinguish between 1) journals, 2) books, 3) a book chapter and 4) conference proceedings. The following can serve as an example for these different cases:
- Rodrigues, K.C.S., Azevedo, P.C.N., Sobreiro, L.E., Pelissari, P. & Fett-Neto, A.G. 2007. Oleoresins yield of Pinus elliottii plantations in a subtropical climate: Effect of tree diameter, wound shape and concentration of active adjuvants in resin stimulating paste. Elsevier Journal of Industrial Crops and Products 27: 322-327.
- Njana, M.A., Bollandsås, O.M., Eid, T., Zahabu, E. & Malimbwi, R.E. 2016. Above- and belowground tree biomass models for three mangrove species in Tanzania: a nonlinear mixed effects modelling approach. Ann. For. Sci. 73, 353-369.
- Caro, T.M., Young, C.R., Cauldwell, A.E. & Brown, D.D.E. 2009. Animal breeding systems and big game hunting: Models and application. Biological Conservation, 142(4), 909-929..
- Rafael, M.V., Fischer, M., Mollel, N.P. & Hemp, A. 2020. Connecting plant evolutionary history and human well-being at Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 194(4): 397–409.
Submit an electronic copy in MS world through email attachment to: The Editor in Chief, Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation, P.O. Box 3009, Morogoro Tanzania.
Email: or
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Copyright: © 2017 The College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism.
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