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Sampling Procedure for Pavement Condition Evaluation of Local Collectors and Access Roads

David, A. Mfinanga.


Road surface condition evaluation involves the collection of a lot of data on different types of distresses. The exercise consumes a lot of resources if the whole road section length is surveyed and may be prone to errors as a result of surveyors' fatigue. It is therefore important to develop a representative sample to be used when evaluating road condition manually. This study aimed at determining an adequate sample size for condition evaluation of local collector and access roads in urban areas in Tanzania. Two such roads namely Lufungira and Kilimahewa roads respectively were selected for the study. It is recommended that a section sample of 20 m long from the beginning of a 100 m section be used in evaluating the pavement surface condition of such roads. This will result in a reasonably accurate representation of the condition of the whole section with huge savings in resources.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2619-8789
print ISSN: 1821-536X