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Socio-Economic Impacts of Water Scarcity in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Shadrack Mwakalila


Drought  and  the  resulting  low  water  levels  in  rivers  exacerbate  water  scarcity  conditions  in  Dar  es  Salaam  city.  The result is frequent water rationing in areas served with piped water, sometimes for days or weeks, and low water pressure, which leads residents to resort to other less safe and sometimes more expensive water sources. The frequent and current response to the inadequate piped water supply in Dar es Salaam has been the use of groundwater resources. There are both public and private bore-holes and wells drilling companies in Dar es Salaam.. This paper therefore, presents some socio-economic  impacts  of  water  scarcity  in  Dar  es Salaam  city.  The  methodology  employed  in  field  data  and information collection includes interviews, questionnaire, focus group discussions and participatory observation. This is data triangulation, an essential technique for improving the reliability of data and information. The study reveals that the participation of local community (including water vendors and private business entrepreneurs) in water delivery systems through  drilling  bore-holes  and  shallow  wells  has  improved  water  supplies  in  the  study  areas.  However,  the  study  has revealed some problems related to water scarcity in Dar es Salaam. These include high prices for water, poor sanitation and hygiene, unsafe and unclean water and inconvenient payment systems. Poor sanitation is related to stagnant water around the bore-holes and shallow wells. It is noted that unsafe water is mainly a problem for those obtaining water from water vendors and/or hire young men to collect water for household uses. However, the study concludes that individual’s participation  in  water  delivery  systems  in  Dar  es  Salaam  City  has  positively  improved  the  life  standards  of  the  local people, particularly the poor.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2619-8789
print ISSN: 1821-536X