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Foaming Characteristics of the Food-Industry Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant

S. V. Manyele


Intensive  foaming  observed  during  aeration  of  the  aerobic  food  industry  wastewater  treatment  plant  is presented.  This study was conducted to establish the foaming characteristics using a pilot three-phase fluidized bed bioreactor (TPFBB). A fluidization column (0.2 m i.d. and 6 m high) was used. The TPFBB was loaded with variable masses of novel biomass support  particles  (BSP).  Wastewater  samples  collected  from  a  plant  processing  both  vegetable  oil  (VOPWW)  and  soap (SPWW) were immediately introduced in the TPFBB for aeration. The characteristics studied include: variation of foam volume with time, foam multiplicity, foaming and foam collapse rates. The SPWW produced excessive foam volumes at a higher rate and higher foam multiplicity compared to VOPWW. Dilution, increasing aeration rate or BSP loading led to higher foaming rate, which decreased with time. Spraying wastewater at the top of the liquid surface minimized foaming rate.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2619-8789
print ISSN: 1821-536X