The study to assess access to and control of resources among the Maasai women was conducted at Monduli and Makuyuni towns in Monduli District in Arusha Region. Data were collected from a sample of 75 respondents using questionnaire, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. The majority of the respondents had access to and control over milk and its products, ornaments and traditional food prepared for sale to customers, and used the income generated from these resources to buy food, clothes, school uniform, and other domestic requirements. Others sometimes save the balance. On the other hand, the Maasai men use their income for personal needs such as buying their clothes and drinks. Also, they sometimes use their income to buy food for the family. The majority of the respondents do not have decision making power in most issues at household level, although some are involved in decisions regarding issues such as allowing a family member to migrate to urban areas, and sometimes in setting dowry price. Some expressed their dissatisfaction in being sidelined in decisions that involve marriage of their daughters. The study recommends universal education for all Maasai children with emphasis on girls, and to institute measures to combat drought and livestock diseases.