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Impact of Socio-economic Changes on Community Compliance with Environmental Regulations at Mtera Dam, Tanzania

Salma Khatibu


This study investigates the impact of socio-economic changes on community compliance with environmental regulations at the Mtera  Dam in Tanzania. Recognizing the critical role of sustainable natural resource management in socioeconomic transformation, the  research highlights the complex interplay between local livelihoods and regulatory frameworks. The study employs a household survey of  309 respondents to assess community awareness, attitudes, and practices regarding environmental regulations, revealing significant  gaps in knowledge and compliance. The study data were analysed by percentages and a multiple regression model. The key findings  indicate that while awareness positively influences compliance, economic dependency on dam resources, cultural practices, and  perceptions of enforcement present substantial barriers. The results underscore the necessity for targeted education campaigns,  community engagement, and the integration of alternative livelihood programs to enhance compliance and promote sustainable resource management. By addressing these challenges, the study aims to inform policy-makers on developing adaptive governance  strategies that align community needs with environmental conservation objectives, ultimately contributing to the long-term sustainability  of the Mtera Dam. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2591-6831
print ISSN: 0856-9622