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The Contribution of Local Civic Society Institutions in Enhancing Smallholder Farmers’ Adaptation to Climate Change in Songea District, Tanzania

Jackson Raymond Sawe


This article is a result of a study that sought to examine the contribution of local civic institutions in enhancing smallholder farmers’  adaptation to climate change in Songea District, Tanzania. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies,  with a sample size of 120 respondents. The study findings revealed that local institutions played a significant role in  supporting smallholder farmers’ adaptation to climate change through the provision of weather forecasts and market information, farm  inputs, promoting the use of drought-tolerant crops, and the use of improved seeds. Furthermore, a local civic society institution has  managed to promote smallholder farmers’ adaptation capacity to climate change. It is recommended that a collaborative endeavour  between governmental and non- governmental organisations be undertaken to initiate, promote, and reinforce local civic institutions. This collective effort should aim to enhance the adaptation of smallholder farmers to climate change, as such institutions have demonstrated their effectiveness and viability in facilitating climate change adaptation measures.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2591-6831
print ISSN: 0856-9622