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Evaluation of optimum inclusion levels of Biostrong® 510 as replacement for antibiotic growth promoters in broiler chickens production under field conditions in Nigeria

P.A. Onimisi
O. Moses
J.O. Jegede


A feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the response of broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with Biostrong® 510 as  replacement for antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs). A total of 396 day old Ross broiler chicks were allotted randomly to six dietary treatments each replicated thrice, with 22 chicks per replicate. Biostrong® 510 was included at 0g, 15g, 17.5g and 20g/100 Kg diet for T1-T4 respectively while T5 and T6 had Oxytetracyclineand water-grade Neocyril plus respectively. Data was collected ongrowth performance indices, haematological parameters, liver function indices, ileum and ceacum microbial contents, tibia bone quality indices, and litter quality indices. All data collected were subjected to analysis of variance and significant differences among treatment means were compared using the Dunnett test of significance. The result for the starter phase showedbirds on the AGPs had significantly (P<0.05) higher final weight and weight gain than birds on Biostrong® 510 and control. Feed consumption was significantly (P < 0.05) higher for the controlthan for birds on antimicrobials. Haematological indices was not significantly (P>0.05) different, while liver function indices showed decreased concentration for Alanine-amino transferase (ALT) (24.33-12.67 μL) and Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (140.67-81.33 μL respectively) for the Biostrong® 510 diets compared to control treatment values of 34.00μL and 294.00μL for ALT and ALP respectively. Feed consumption was significantly highest for finisher birds on control diet as birds fed growth promoters utilized significantly less feed, to gain similar weights with the control. Biostrong® 510 significantly improved feed conversion similar to the antibiotics. There was significantly (P<0.05) higher values for dry matter content of litter for birds fed Biostrong® 510 above the control and AGPs. Bone density was significantly (P<0.05) higher for Biostrong® 510 diets. Potential pathogenic bacteria species identified were mainly in treatments with no Biostrong® 510. It is concluded that Biostrong® 510 though did not significantly improve growth of broiler chickens, but however improved feed conversion, similar Onimisi, P.A., Moses, O. and Jegede J.O. 203 to the antibiotics; significantly lowered cost of production even more than the AGPS; improved bone strength, and litter quality and consequently the health of birds.Biostrong® 510is therefore a potential replacement for antibiotic growth promoters.

Key words: Biostrong® 510, Antibiotic growth promoter, Performance, broiler chickens.

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eISSN: 1119-4308