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Productivity of columbus grass (Sorghum almum) intercrop with Lablab (Lablab purpureus) in Shika, Nigeria

Y.M. Ishiaku
M.R. Hassan
R.J. Tanko
J.T. Amodu
S.B. Abdu
S.A. Ahmed
A.G. Bala
S.S. Bello


An experiment was conducted to assess the productivity of Sorghum almum intercropped with Lablab (Lablab purpureus). The  experiment was laid in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) which consisted of intercropping systems as sole S. almum, S. almum with lablab in intra rows (IR), S. almum with lablab legume in alternate rows (AR) and sole lablab. Plant height and plant density were significantly (P<0.05) affected by sowing arrangements. The number of tillers, leaves and leaf: stem ratios were not significantly (P>0.05) affected by sowing arrangement. The highest total biomass yield of 12.85 t/ha DM was obtained from S. almum and lablab mixtures in alternate rows (AR) while the lowest yield was 7.06 t/ha DM from sole S. almum.The land equivalent ratios (LER) obtained was 1.98 for intercrop in AR and 1.88 for intra row treatment which were all above one (1.00). These values means 98.0 % and 88.0 % intercrop advantage of AR and IR respectively over sole cropping. The leave area index (LAI) of S. almum (0.74) in (AR) was significantly (P<0.05) higher than the value of 0.65 for S. almum in (IR). The percentage proximate composition and fiber fractions were significantly (P<0.05) affected by intercropping systems. The highest value of 18.82 % crude protein and lowest value of 23.23 % crude fiberwas obtained in Sorghum almum and lablab in AR. Higher values of 54.55 %NDF and 23.96 %Hemicellulose are observed in sole grass compared to the two intercrop systems. Na, P, K, Mg and Mn were not significantly (P>0.05) affected by intercropping except for Ca, which gave a highest value of 3.21 g/kg Sorghum almum and lablab in AR compared to 1.71 g/kg for sole grass. This study revealed that Sorghum almum can be intercropped with lablab in alternate rows for higher yields and improved nutrient qualities than the sole crop. Therefore, intercropping Sorghum almum with lablab in alternate rows and gave the best forage productivity and good quality forage. Intercropping of Sorghum almum with Lablab purpureus in alternate rows is hereby recommended for livestock owners in Nigeria.

Key words: Productivity, intercropsystems, yield and quality.

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eISSN: 1119-4308