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The frequency and some correlates of rabbit meat consumption in Kenya
With a gaining interest in rabbit production in Kenya, a survey was undertaken in 7 counties covering a total of 300 rabbit farmers. Another 100 non-rabbit keeping farmers where similarly interviewed for comparison purposes. The study sought to scan the consumption pattern of rabbit meat among households. Questions on the survey instrument sought to identify consumption patterns of rabbit meat among a sample of rabbit farmers. Results were subjected to chi square test for association in an attempt to identify characteristics of respondents that might be pointers to rabbit meat consumption. Education, actual rabbit rearing as well as the number of rabbits kept were strong pointers towards consumption of rabbit meat. The frequency of rabbit meat consumption was found to be very low, even among rabbit keepers with 48 percent of this group doing so at most, once every 12 months compared to 67 percent for non-rabbit farmers. The prices on offer for rabbits could be directed more for those seeking breeding animals, which might not compete favorably with competing meats such as poultry. Some ideas for improving the market for rabbit meat are discussed alongside these results.
Keywords: Consumption frequency, prices, market segments