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Pedon Characteristics and Their Implications for Land Management in Two Villages of Mbinga District, Tanzania
A land resources study was carried out in Lupilo and Tukuzi villages in Mbinga District. Two pedons representing the villages were selected for the study to obtain data that are important for land management. Standard soil and land resources survey procedures were employed.'. The results show that the soils are very deep, well drained, red and dark reddish brown sandy clays to clays and classify as Haplic Acrisol' (Isohyperthermic, very deep, kaolinitic, Typic Rhodu~tult) at Lupilo and Ferric Acrisol (Isohyperthermic, very deep, kaolinitic, Ustic Haplohumult) at Tukuzi. The structure is generally poor for the two pedons. Bulk density values are low throughout Tukuzi pedon. Both pedons have medium available water capacity and generally low soil fertility. The clay mineralogical composition is dominantly kaolinitic with accessQry amounts of sesquioxides. These charactenstics are associated with poor soil conditions. The study shows that the two pedons represent fragile ecosystems that require careful management. Due to poor chemical, mineralogical and physical characteristics, the study recommends areas offurther research. The commonly used tie-ridge (Ngolo)" cultivation system should be studiedfurther to find out its contribution to soil fertility. The use of rock phosphate as a P-jertilizer and as a possibl'e liming material should be further investigated.
Keywords: Pedon characteristics, Ngoro, Mhinga