A study was conducted to find out the volume of documented vis a vis generated agricultural research information over a 10-year period and to identify existing avenues for disseminating generated research information to the target population. A questionnaire survey was conducted between December 1996 and February 1998, supplemented with interviews and inspection of records covering agricultural research institutions in all seven agricultural zones in Tanzania. A total of 750 questionnaires were administered and 412 research titles were analyzed. Results indicate that research is being conducted on almost all the major food and cash crops, various types of livestock and other agricultural studies. Eighty-three percent of information generated is documented as annual or progress reports, 29% in conference proceedings and 9% in newsletters, pamphlets and leaflets. About 12% of generated information is documented as journal articles. All other avenues including dissertations, technical reports and coordinating meetings, account for 34% of the documented information. Further, the study revealed that progress reports, which account for largest avenue of documentation, have the most restricted circulation list. It is apparent therefore that the bulk of the research results do not reach a wide circulation. It is further observed that the choice of appropriate dissemination avenue is crucial for success and effectiveness of agricultural research. Also, the funding agency's requirements and the presence of appropriate motivation structure facilitates publication in avenues that have the widest circulation. In this context, researchers too have a clear role to play, in facilitating documentation and dissemination of research findings not only by documenting their findings but also through documenting them in avenues with wider circulation.
Keywords: agricultural information, agricultural research, dissemination, documentation avenues, Tanzania
Tanzania J. Agric. Sc. (1999). Vol. 2 No. 1, 99-106