Six types of traditional togwa (a traditional fermented gruel prepared from a mixture of malted and unmalted cereal grains), six simulated togwa and their ingredients were analysed for proximate composition, energy and mineral contents. The cereals used were maize (Zea mays), finger millet (Eleusine coracana) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). Malt was prepared from sorghum and finger millet. The: concentration of protein in traditional and simulated togwa was higher compared to their main ingredients. The ranges were 9.1-12.5, 9.9-12.9 and 8.7-12.0% respectively. Crude fibre was also higher in traditional and simulated togwa than in the main ingredients, while carbohydrate percent of DM and energy contents were lower than in the ingredients. Ash contents in traditional togwa was 1.44-2.21% and for simulated togwa 1.32-2.2%. Results for mineral contents indicated that phosphorus; magnesium and potassium were the major mineral constituents in both the traditional togwa and laboratory simulated samples. In the traditional and simulated togwa samples, phosphorus content ranged, respectively befween 196-334 and 191-332 (mg/100g), magnesium between 59.5-123.7 and 59.4-123 (mg/100g) and potassium between 167-315 and 167-313 (mg/100g). Calcium range was 3.95-12.32 (mg/100g) in traditional togwa and 3.40-11.92 (mg/100g) in simulated togwa compared to 5.57-14.59 (mg/100g) in the main ingredients. Iron, zinc and copper contents were slightly higher in traditional and in simulated togwa compared to their levels in the main ingredients. Iron ranged between 18.5-23.8 and 18.5-24.8 (mg/100g) in traditional and simulated samples respectively, and zinc ranged between 1.39- 1. 82 (mg/100g) in traditional togwa and 1.41-1.81 (mg/100g) in simulated samples. The contant of coppel in traditional and simulated togwa were 0. 33 - 0.69 and 0.32-0.70 (mg/100g), respectively. Apparently, the choice of cereal and malt and the processes of germination and fermentation for togwa production affects the proportions of nutrients found in the product. This results in different types of togwa with variation in proximate composition, energy density and mineral content.
Keywords: Togwa, proximate ccmlposiiion, energy and mineral content
Tanzania J. Agric. Sc.(2001)Vol. 4 No. 2, 65-74