Melon seed was investigated as an alternative to soybeans for production of high protein curd. The coagulating properlies of calcium sulphate and the nature of the curd obtained from melon seeds were investigated. The yield proximate composition and sensory properties of the melon curd were determined. The yield curd from melon seed at 0.54% calcium sulphate concentration was 21% with the protein yield of 33%. Among the concentratiom of calcium sulphate studied 0. 54% appeared to be most suitable for making curd of smooth texture. In general scores for all the sensory attributes evaluated increased with increased calcium sulphate concentration. The melon curd was highly rated and very well accepted.
Keywords: Melon curd, coagulation, protein, calcium, sulphate, acceptabilit
Tanzania.J. Agric.Sc.(2003)Vol.6 No.1, 13-18