In, a study conducted on cysts collected from the eastern and western Flanders regions of Belgium in 1998 and 1999. Globodera pailida and G. rostochiensis were the only two Globodera species collected and, identified based on PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) criteria. G. rostochiensis was the predominant species forming 98% (n = 2500) of the total cysts collected. G. pallida was encountered in 2% (n = 2500) of the total cysts tested. The results suggest that G. rostochiensis is the dominant member of the potato cyst nematodes in the eastern and western Flanders regions of Belgium. Uniike, G. pallida, Go rostochiesis is highly prolific and this behavior may be useful in targeting control measures for this specie such as use of resistant cultivars and crop rotation. This is the first longitudinal study to be carried out in Belgium using multiplex PCR.
Keywords: Belgium; Potato cyst nematodes, Polymerase chain reaction
Tanzania J.Agric.Sc. (2006) Vol.7 No.1, 1-7