The study focused on farmers under the Fadama Project Scheme in Edo State, Nigeria with emphasis on the relationship between farmers' characteristics and adoption of recommended technologies, Analysis of data obtained from a random sample of 80 respondents reveals that Fadama farming is dominated by females (62.5%), most of whom were married (77.5%), above 32 years (77.5%), and poorly educated. Gender, educational and household characteristics of respondents were significant determinants of respondents' adoption of Fadama-related technologies, accounting for about 39% of variability in adoption. High costs of water pumps, lack of agro-chemicals (fertilizers) and inadequate funds were major constraint to respondents' adoption of recommended practices. Farmer organization into cooperatives and increased agricultural extension education to enhance communication were recommended.
Keywords: Farmers, Recommended Farm Practices, Fadama, Nigeria
Tanzania J. Agric. Sc. (2007) Vol. 8 No.1, 51 - 56