The contribution of seed production to poverty reduction at household level in the participating villages was studied. Food security and household income was used as proxy indicators of poverty. Data was collected through a cross section survey using a structured questionnaire. The average incomes / Adjusted Adult Equivalent Units /year were TAS 77, 768/= and TAS 70, 303/= for quality declared seed (QOS) producers and non-producers, respectively. A t-test analysis showed that the difference in income was not statistically significant (p>0.05). The average income for QOS users and non-users was TAS 76, 199/= and TAS 67, 168/=, respectively. The difference in income was also not statistically Significant. These results are due to the fact that 2002/03 season in which the study was conducted was a bad year, resulting from a general rainfall failure in the area. Results of a regression analysis indicated that use of QOS contributed Significantly in explaining the variation in income per Adjusted Adult Equivalent Units in the study area. Food security analysis shows that 37% and 28% of the sampled QOS users and QOS non-users respectively indicated that their households were food secure. The paper concludes that QOS contributed to householdJood security and income. However, the extent of impact of QOS is to a large extent influenced by the rainfall. Introduction of rainwater harvesting technologies is recommended if farmers are to attain the intended benefits from QOS.
Keywords: Seed Production, Food security, Income, Poverty
Tanzania J.Agric.Sc. (2007) Vol.8 No.2, 161-172