This study assesses the use of information resources, specifically, electronic databases by lecturers/teachers in Universities and Colleges of Education in South Western Nigeria. Information resources are central to teachers’ education. It provides lecturers/teachers access to information that enhances research and development. This study espouses some of the existing databases available for usage in 4 selected tertiary institutions - Universities and Colleges of Education. A descriptive survey design was adopted and multi stage sampling techniques was used for the study.187 participants were selected from 2 Faculties of Education and 2 Colleges of Education. Questionnaire was administered on all the participants, out of which 112 were found analyzable. Data were analyzed using frequencies, counts, percentages, tables and charts. The study revealed that not all lecturers were familiar with all the databases. Though many of the databases were available in their institution libraries, they were being used at varying degrees. Of all the databases, CD-ROM had the highest percentage (37.5%) of consultation, followed by JSTOR (37.0%). and ERIC (23.2%). The highest point of accessibility of the databases as revealed by the study was through individual/personal subscription. The most accessible of the resources was ERIC (27.7%), followed CD-ROM (25%) and JSTOR (20.5%). Only 46.4% of the lecturers have information literacy skills with which they could search and use the resources. The study established that respondents utilised electronic databases to perform various academic tasks. Some of the challenges facing teachers in utilising electronic databases included awareness, accessibility and lack of skills. Appropriate recommendations were given in the study.