This study explored rural-based library and information services. The location was Mbaitoli LGA in Imo State of Nigeria. Descriptive research method was used while the purposive sampling technique was adopted. Data obtained from copies of questionnaire returned in useable condition were collated, categorized, interpreted and presented in tables and percentages followed by discussion. Results show that although information services exist in different forms in all the communities surveyed, rural libraries were almost none-existent in twenty-nine (93.5%) out of thirty-one villages covered and, so have not played the expected role in rural information dissemination. Most of the available information agencies are not properly coordinated to suit the peculiar information needs of rural communities. It was also found that poor funding, absence of information infrastructure (i.e. rural libraries, community radio/television, rural newspapers, etc) and high cost of information materials are amongst the several problems which impede the effectiveness of community-based information services. Several recommendations were made, prominent among which are, that: (i) Rural libraries should be established, properly funded and adequately equipped; and (ii) Different information-generating and dissemination agencies in the rural areas should be effectively coordinated. It is also recommended that community radio and rural-focused print media should be established in the Local Government Area (LGA).