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An Evaluation of Cost-Effectiveness of Micro Computerized Documentation System/Integrated Set of Information System (CDS/ISIS) Software of Raw Materials Research and Development Council (RMRDC), Abuja
compared with the manual system, the computerized system costs more but it is more effective. In spite of the effectiveness of Computerized (CDS/ISIS) had great potentials as a library application. It is recommended that computer appreciations be included in the curriculum of library schools. Library staff that are using CDS/ISIS should be sent on training and retraining especially at advanced level on how to
effectively use CDS/ISIS which will enable them fully understand how to apply (CDS/ISIS) to the functions and management of libraries and its information source, and to serve their clientele better. Since (CDS/ISIS) is not supplied with support services like training and maintenance of the software, users should form a functional user groups in their respective state. The user groups can provide relevant training on the use of CDS/ISIS.