The study investigates the use of internet facilities by the academic staff of School of Management and Information Technology (SMIT) in Modibbo Adama University of Technology (MAUTECH), Yola. Literatures have been reviewed based on the objectives of the study. The findings of the study will be used to improve teaching and research not only in SMIT but to the entire university and the society at large. The study use the survey research design, the population of the study consist of all the 62 academic staff of SMIT comprising of the Departments of Accountancy, Economics, Information Technology, Library and Information Science and Management Technology. Questionnaire was used to collect data. The data collected have been analyzed through descriptive statistics using frequency table and percentage. The study revealed that the University provide staff of the University with Internet access at a fee and also academic staff of SMIT use Google, Yahoo and free database search engines for their teaching and research. Recommendation for the university management to provide free Internet access to the university community to encourage and enhance teaching and research was made.