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Community directed approach beyond ivermectin in Tanzania: a promising mechanism for the delivery of complex health interventions
and supportive of the process. Additionally, noted were the verifi ed willingness and ability of community implementers to deliver multiple interventions; confi rmed effi ciency of CDI leading to cost savings at health systems level; increasing interest of the health system in CDI; interest of health workers in the process of integrated planning. However, there were factors that may have a negative influence on the CDI process. Drug and supply policy for CDI process was lacking at the national and district levels and the presence of parallel community-based programmes that provide financial incentives for community members to run them discouraged Community-directed distributors who in most cases are volunteers. In conclusion, the results have clearly and evidently demonstrated the potential of CDI approach for effectively and effi ciently control of other diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis and childhood illnesses. The study has provided unique information on the feasibility
and effectiveness of integrated delivery of interventions at the community level.