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SHORT COMMUNICATION: Lost investment returns from the migration of medical doctors from Malawi
Migration of medical doctors from African countries to developed nations compromises the delivery of health
care on the continent. The full cost of producing a medical doctor was estimated in Malawi by adding the costs of
education from primary school through undergraduate medical education. The cost in fees for one medical doctor produced
was US$ 56,946.79. The amount of lost investment returns for a doctor who migrated out and served for 30 years in the
receiving country ranged from about US$ 433,493 to US$46 million at interest rates 7% and 25%, respectively. Quantitative
assessments of the estimated loss in investment allows for informed policy discussions and decisions..
Keywords: brain drain, Malawi, medical training, medical education, migration
Tanzania Health Research Bulletin Vol. 9 (1) 2007: pp. 61-64