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Silica-scaled chrysophyceae and synurophyceae (chrysophyta) from Nigeria. II. Lake Lekki

DE Wujek
TA Adesalu
DI Nwankwo


A total of 20 silica-scaled chrysophytes (Chrysophyceae: two Paraphysomonas spp. and one Spiniferomonas sp.; Synurophyceae: 10 Mallomonas spp. and seven Synura spp.) was recorded from samples collected from Lekki Lagoon, Nigeria, over a period of 12 months in 2003-2004 based on transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Included is a description of a new species of Paraphysomonas, P. nigeriensis. Fifteen are new records for the country.

Keywords: silica-scaled chrysophytes, Mallomonas, Paraphysomonas, Spiniferomonas, Synura

Tropical Freshwater Biology 2003/2004 Vol. 12/13: 99-103

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0795-0101