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Growth and survival of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) fingerlings during single and combined commercial feeds trials

L.D. Epbah
D Amachree


Growth and survival of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings were studied for 56 days during trials with single (blue crown or vital feed) and combination (blue crown+vital feed) of Nigeria made commercial feeds. Fingerlings were fed at 10% body weight in triplicate design. Fingerlings were collected weekly for individual total length (cm) and whole wet weight (g) measurements. At the end of the experiment (day 56), there was significant increase (P<0.05) in length (27.70±0.36 cm) and weight (166.96±5.40 g) of fingerlings fed with blue crown, followed by blue crown+vital feed (25.52±0.55 cm and 125.71±7.44 g), and vital feed (21.78±2.30 cm and 77.81±25.12 g). Similarly, for specific growth rate, significant high values (means±SEM; %/day; P<0.05) were recorded for blue crown (5.54±0.04) followed by blue crown+vital feed (5.19±0.24) then vital feed (4.03±0.66). There were no statistical differences for food conversion ratio and food conversion efficiency at the end of the trial for all treatment groups (P>0.05). In conclusion, blue crown did better than the other treatments however, it is important to note that in the combination, feeding first with blue crown enhanced the performance of the vital feed hence, single as well as the combined feeding strategy (especially with blue crown) should be recommended to farmers for enhanced growth.

Keywords: Clarias, performance index, specific growth rate, feeding strategy

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0795-0101