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Growth performance and yield of hybrid catfish Clarias gariepinus (♂) x Heterobranchus bidorsalis (♀) at various stocking densities

M.U. Effiong
F.A. Ella
Z.O. Adams


The study evaluated effects of varying stocking densities on growth, protein utilization, survival rates and yield of hybrid catfish reared in 1m x 1m x 1m collapsible tarpaulin trough. Fish fry (0.60± 0.01g) were randomly stocked at 25, 50, 75 and 100fish/m3 and fed commercial diet (45% protein) for twelve weeks. At harvest, growth responses and economic performances of fish under various densities were evaluated. Results showed that significant differences (p < 0.05) existed in specific growth rates, gross profit, profit index and economic conversion ratio. Fish stocked at 75 fish/m3 produced the best growth {mean final weight (30.93±1.3g), specific growth rate (4.06±0.07%/day)}; the best protein utilization {food conversion ratio (0.11), protein productive value (1.20±0.02%), protein index (5.34±0.16g/day) and the highest yield {gross profit (₦2931±125/m3), profit index (6.23±0.10) and economic conversion ratio (3.73±0.23).Survival was generally high. The results concluded that hybrid catfish reared in collapsible trough gave the best yield at 75fish/m3.

Keywords: Hybridization, catfish, growth, survival, yield, profit index, economic conversion ratio, nutrient utilization

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0795-0101