Author Guidelines
- Submission of manuscripts
Manuscripts saved in compatible format using Microsoft Word Processor should be sent by email attachment to:, Scanned copies of clear original illustrations/pictures (jpg file) should be sent along with the manuscript.
Submission of a manuscript implies that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere. All papers will be peer reviewed. The Editor will accept or reject or return manuscripts for revision based on recommendations received from reviewers.
- Language
All papers should be written in English. If supplied by author(s), abstracts will also be printed in French, Spanish, German and Portuguese. However, an abstract in English is mandatory.
- Manuscripts
All papers should be clear and concise, neatly typewritten on one side of A4 (2 x 30 cm) paper. Double spacing must be used throughout, allowing wide margins on all sides. Follow the format given below.
(i) Title: This should be typed on a separate sheet with the name(s) of author(s) and the address of the institution(s) where the research was carried out. A running title of not more than 40 letters including spaces and a list of up to 10 keywords should be provided.
(ii) Abstract: The abstract in English and in other languages, if provided should not exceed 200 words.
(iii) Text: The main body should contain;
(a) Introduction
(b) The study area (if applicable)
(c) Methods
(d) Discussion
(e) Acknowledgements
(f) References
(g) Tables and
(h) Legends to figures, in sequence. Lengthy appendices and foot notes in text should be avoided. The location of tables and illustrations may be indicated in the margin of the text. The Latin names of genera and species should be in italics. All measurements must be in metric units.
The editorial board encourages papers which do not exceed 20 - 25 pages. Monographs will be considered for publication as separate supplements
- Illustrations
Preferably, all graphics/illustrations must be in black and white; colours will attract extra cost. All figures should be numbered continuously using Arabic numerals (e.g. Figs. 1,2,3, e.t.c.) Photographs should be submitted as scanned copies (jpg file).
- Tables
These should be typed on separate sheets. Number tables consecutively in Arabic numerals. Vertical lines should not be used for separating columns. Large tables exceeding the width of 80 characters including spaces should be avoided.
- References
In text, references are cited as names followed by dates. Examples:
(Bishop, 1973); Dange (1985); (Elouard et al., 1982); Victor & Ogbeibu (1985). If many references are cited in the same place, these should be arranged in chronological order.
Examples: (Lauzanne & Dejoux, 1973; Dejoux & Troubat, 1976; Elouard et al., 1982; Troubat & Lardeux, 1982).
At the end of the paper, references must be listed alphabetically according to the Harvard System. Some examples are given below:
Adeney, R. J. & Mattiesson, P. (1979). Sublethal effect of the organophosphate
blackfly larvicide Abate (temephos) on Sarotherodon mossambicus (Peters). J. Fish Biol., 15, 545 - 53.
American Public Health Association. (1971). Standard Methods for the examination of water and waste water. 13th edn. New York, APHA.
Janness, J. (1967). The use of plants as fish poison within the Kainji Basin. In: Fish and fisheries of Northern Nigeria. Ed. by W. Reed, 201 - 2. Zaria Ministry of Agriculture, Northern Nigeria.
Ogbeibu, A.E. (2019). Biostatistics – A Practical Approach to Research and Data Handling. 3rd Edition. Mindex Publishing Company Ltd, Benin City, Nigeria.
- Galley Proofs
Proofs will be sent to the Author for careful correction before returning to the Editor as soon as possible. No new material should be added while correcting proofs. In the case of joint authors, the senior author will receive proofs unless specified otherwise.
- Handling Charges
Manuscripts should be sent online with a processing fee of N4,000.00 or $100.00 payable to either Naira or Domiciliary account to be provided.
- Publication Cost
Upon acceptance of a paper for publication, the authors will be required to pay publication charges of N35,000.00 Naira (for Nigerian authors), USD$ 200 (for international authors) before the accepted paper is published. The mode of payment will be provided by e-mail to the author. Final letter of acceptance will be issued only after payment of page charge. Authors are expected to purchase the issue containing their papers from the Editor.
- Copyright
Authors should transfer the copyright of papers to Freshwater Biological Association of Nigeria (FBAN). Publications may not be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems or transmitted in any form or any means without the written permission of the Publishers.
- Business correspondence.
All correspondence concerning reprints, copyright, back issues, advertising and sales should be sent directly to the Editor (,
- Subscription rates.
The price of a single issue including air postage is U.S. $200.00 (Two hundred U.S. Dollars) or its equivalent in U.K., Sterling, French Francs, Swiss Francs or Dutsche Marks. The U.S. $ price is definitive and other prices can be subject to exchange rate fluctuations. Request for Subscription Invoice should be sent directly to the Editor (,
- Advertising rates.
The following are the rates: Full page - U.S $1000.00, Half page - U.S. $500.00, Quarter page - U.S.$250.00.